Goddess Kubjika

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Nishant Kumar Nishant Kumar
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Goddess Kubjika

Does goddess Kubjika belong to the western amnaya of Sri Vidya? What is the relation between Kali, Tripura & Kubjika Devi?
Krishna Krishna
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Re: Goddess Kubjika

I am not so sure about the Āmnāya, but possible. The relation between the deities, are that they are all perceived as forms of the Divine Mother Śakti.
Atmavidhya Atmavidhya
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Re: Goddess Kubjika

In reply to this post by Nishant Kumar
Goddess Kubjika of the Paschimamnaya tradition was the leading practice and quite possibly a precursor to Srividya tradition as we know it today (per Prof Alexis Sanderson of Oxford University). Kubjikamata (a massive work) was the main tantra that outlines her practices and the Malla kings of Western India were followers and sponsors of this tradition.

Kubjika like Kali and Tripura are varied aspects of the same supreme goddess Parashakti.

If you want to know more about Goddess Kubjika,lookup the works of Dr. Mark Dyczkowski is leading scholar who has done extensive work on translating and interpreting her tantras. See link below. Hope this is helpful.
