shayaa sadhana

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yogi yogi
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shayaa sadhana

In some vamachara paddhati, I sometimes met description of the use of the bed for the asana. This is sure to be that for vamachara or you can just use for japa? Or for japa should only asana on the floor? Anybody familiar with this topic?
Thank You very much
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Re: shayaa sadhana

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yogi yogi
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Re: shayaa sadhana

Yes Guruji, it is against the Acharyas, I tried to chant japa, not on asana and the effect is much worse. In the experiment tested. But it is not clear to me then the other thing. I've heard that mantra japa, maybe apart manasika may still be ajapa-japa, when it reaches a constant repetition of the Sadhaka 24 hours. That with rules in such cases?
my pranam
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Re: shayaa sadhana

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vinay vinay
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Re: shayaa sadhana

Dear Sir,

I have a book on Dakshina Kali upasana in which it states in the nigh after taking bath,have beetle nut and leaves to ensure the tounge is red and sit on the bed and recite HER bija Kreem sitting on the BED for one lakh in a day, it sounds really strange and unless we hear something from you i think it keeps revolving in our mind, though at this point of time i have no confusions, just wanted to write here for the first time.