query whether an uninitiated person can keep a śrīcakra at home?

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Mathew Mathew
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query whether an uninitiated person can keep a śrīcakra at home?

Sri vidya/maha merus/sri chakras are being commercialized everywhere now...Some so-called enlightened Sri Vidya masters/Gurus are selling Sri Chakra for vastu and wealth.

So my question is an uninitiated can keep and worship Srichakra at Home?
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Re: query whether an uninitiated person can keep a śrīcakra at home?

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Mathew Mathew
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Re: query whether an uninitiated person can keep a śrīcakra at home?

Thank you Ravi for this amazing reply and information about śrīcakra.

There is a nice article posted on kamakoti mandali blog regarding this issue.


I have personally seen people getting all kinds of troubles by keeping a śrīcakra at home, some getting serious health issues,losing job or even marital issues.These persons bought these śrīcakra online and some from Gurus proclaiming themselves to be masters in Sri Vidya!

There are many types of materials used to make sri chakras like , crystal,panchaloha,bronze ,gold etc....which one of these if the best for worship?

What is the best way to worship  a śrīcakra?I mean guidelines, do and don'ts and should one buy a a śrīcakra or should it be gifted by a Real Guru?
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Re: query whether an uninitiated person can keep a śrīcakra at home?

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