Sri Vidya - A Poem

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Sri Vidya - A Poem

Sri Vidya is verily Brahma Vidya,
The Science of the Supreme Self,
When the individual Self,
Discovers it's truest identity,
By understanding it's relationship,
With the Supreme Mother,
It will find ultimate fulfillment in Her,
All Avidya (Ignorance),
Is just lack of Vidya (Knowledge),
Sri Vidya - The Knowledge of Sri (Auspiciousness)
Is the highest form of all Vidyas,
Which was imparted by Siva to Parvathi,
In order to make Her realize as His own Shakti,
Sati in Her all compassionate grace,
Disclosed this ancient secret to Mankind,
Encouraging all of us to realize,
The power of Siva and Shakti,
Lie mysteriously within us,
Through the Cosmic Mandala, called the Sri Yantra,
Alas! This ancient Science has been degraded,
To a tool to ward off evil and bring good luck,
Pity the mind of Man, who knows not,
The value of this Yoga Vidya, (Science of Self)
Because He is too busy pursuing,
The art of Bhoga Vidya (Science of Pleasure) ,
Forgetting completely the Science of Atma Jnana. (Self-Realization)