शाप विमोचन मन्त्रं - Saapa vimochana mantram.

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soudear soudear
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शाप विमोचन मन्त्रं - Saapa vimochana mantram.

Dear Sir,

This has reference to a discussion in MB on 2nd Oct. 2013, related to Bala Mantra.  Where as Sri  V. Raviji presented a relatively simple to pronounce mantra, the discussion was capped by Sri. Anonymous  with the verse ending  " एवं जप्त्वा शतं विद्या शापहीना फलप्रदा ।।" And the mantra he brought in was a hard nut to crack.  If the Vidya  mantra is to be absolved of the curse, the Sa. Vi. mantra has to be chanted 100 times.  

 Sir, What is the relevance of Saapa vimochanamantra to a sadhaka in meditation?  The sadhaka trusts the mantra he has and its source and then his mindset should be  the deciding factor in the result ensuing. Am I wrong, pl. ?

And Sri. Anonymous Ji, I hope by  Vidya mantra, you mean the bijas ऐं  - क्लीं  -  सौः । Will you kindly give more explanation on the additives वराह, भृगु , पावक , धूमकेतु ....।  And please provide a transliteration for the mantra as well as the authority / source of the same.  

Will this S V Mantra can take care of the curse on all Vidya Mantras such as Panchadasi and Shodasi ?  Some time back, on the day of my initiation, I was told by my Guruji that I don't need that.  I did not dare to ask him any further on that subject.  

I humbly request all of you for your  valuable  comments.
sreejithg sreejithg
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Re: शाप विमोचन मन्त्रं - Saapa vimochana mantram.

Dear Soudear,

The Srividya tradition deals with all aspects of consciousness, right from the gross to the subtle. The path is very scientific, in a way that Western scientific traditions have not yet achieved. Mantras in general are said to produce changes in the subtle body(among other effects), ultimately allowing for the "individual" consciousness to shine forth in all its glory. On an anecdotal level, the mantras were cursed by sages for various reasons, and the Sapavimochana mantras are said to undo the effect of the curses. On a scientific level, the subtle vibrations produced by the Sapavimochana mantras are said to prepare the subtle body for the effects produced by the actual mantras themselves. This is ONLY ONE OF the relevances of the Sapavimochana mantra to a sadhaka in meditation.

My Guru has given me different Sapavimochana mantras at various stages of my sadhana. Therefore, in my Guru's tradition, there are different Sapavimochana mantras for different mantras.

My Guru has been giving me personalized instructions for each stage of my Sadhana. The path that He has been guiding me is different from all that I have heard and read about, but at each stage of my sadhana, I have personally experienced the effects of the practice. Everything that my Guru has told me has come true. My Guru has been working with me on an energy level and I can feel His blessings even on the days that I do not meet Him or correspond with Him. Whatever my Guru says is right for me, I trust Him implicitly.

Why am I telling you this? My humble view is that the student should follow the Guru's words without modification, for He knows what is right for the student at that point of the journey. Gurus like Sri Ramana and Paramahamsa Yogananda have been known to work out some of their disciples' karmas in their own bodies. Verily, it is said that if God forsakes you, the Guru can save you; but if the Guru forsakes you, even God cannot help you. Rest assured that Parashakthi, acting through the Guru's physical form, has assumed responsibility for your spiritual progress!

Whatever I have expressed above is only my opinion. May Her blessings be ever upon us all.
soudear soudear
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Re: शाप विमोचन मन्त्रं - Saapa vimochana mantram.

Dear Sreejithji,

Thank you for your prompt response.  It was highly illuminating.  I have never used an SV Mantra so far. I have used mantras, only what my Guruji has given me. I have been under the impression that mantras used in a particular Guruparampara has their validity inherently attached to them.

Sreejithji, if you won't mind, kindly contact the following mail ID as you pl.  I believe you have so much that can enlighten me.
