SRIVIDYA SPHURANA (THOUGHTS) - PART 37 - By Bhuvananandanatha

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SRIVIDYA SPHURANA (THOUGHTS) - PART 37 - By Bhuvananandanatha

Guruji: These things will be experienced by a sadhaka during initial stages of kundalini activation. Some people misunderstood it as kundalini activation. It is not correct.

Chanchal: Guruji, can I know about kundalini and its concepts?

Guruji: You should know this. It is very important for you at this stage. I will let you know very secrets of kundalini now. Listen carefully and apply it in your sadhana.
Vertebra known as Meru danda. Sushumna will be there in middle of vertebra. This sushumna is trinadi swaroopa. Ida and Pingala nadis are there on two sides of meru danda. In middle of sushumna, Vajra nadi is there. This Vajra nadi spread upto our head. Chitrini nadi is there in middle of this Vajra nadi. This chitrini nadi is aadhar (appui) for Shat chakras. (Shat chakras base is Chitrini nadi). Brahma nadi is there in middle of this Chitrini nadi i.e. from throat (vishudhi) to sahasrara. This Brahma nadi is sudha jnana
swarupini. Pinnacle point of this Brahma nadi is nectar outflow point (orifice). Rudra grandhi is present above swadhistana, Vishnu grandhi is present above Anahata and Brahma grandhi is present above Ajna
chakra. This is as per Samayachara. As per Kaulachara places of Rudra and Brahma gradhi interchange.

We follow Samayachara. Vajra nadi will ampute (bhedhana) rudra grandhi, chitrini will ampute Vishnu grandhi and Brahma nadi will ampute brahma grandhi. After brahma grandhi bhedana, kundalini move to sahasrara through subtle chakras. This is the actual concept of kundalini. Vajra is embodiment of Agni (Fire), Chitrini is embodiment of Surya (Sun) and Brahma is embodiment of Chandra (Moon). Panchadasi is trikhanda and these three khandas are Agni, Surya and Chandra. The three Hreems in Panchadasi are three grandhis told above. In this way similarity of panchadasi and kundalini proved. This is the proof for bestowing of brahma jnana through panchadasi upasana. Kundalini is Srimatas subtle form. Mantra is also subtle form. You can understand Vajra as Dandini and Chitrini as Rajashyamala. One should practice
panchadasi by knowing these secrets. That is the reason why we should have proper guru and his guidance.

After listening this Chachal immediately fell on the lotus feet of Guruji and expressed his gratitude. Then he asked guruji.

Chanchal: Guruji, what are the forms of paradevata?

Guruji: There are three forms of Paradevata. 1) Gross form: What we see in photos (with Pasa, ankusha, dhanus and baana) 2) Subtle form: Naada, Bindu and Kala forms subtle form. 3) Para form: satchitanada.

Then Guruji revealed him the secrets of three forms of Srichakra in gross body.

Chanchal: Guruji, why it name is Samayachara. Is there any concept behind this?
Guruji: Yes, for this you must know Sadakhya kala. Twenty fifth tattwa is sadashiva kala. If Bhagavati unites with this kala then twenty sixth kala will be formed. This twenty sixth kala is sadakhya kala. This kala present in sahasrara. This place known as samaya. Sadhana at this point known as samayachara.

Chanchal: Guruji, I am following whatever techniques you told me for meditation. Even then sometimes, I am losing concentration. Please bless me to get the full concentration for mantra sadhana.

Guruji: Manas and breath have effect on each other. If you arrest breath, manas will become stationary.
If manas become stationary, breath will be arrested. You will get this state by practicing Rajyoga. Now, I will tell you how to practice Rajyoga. If you practice it, you will get darshan of Srimata (Atma sakshatkaram) without any delay.

Guruji revealed Rajyoga to Chanchal. By doing so, Chanchal found passing of energy from Guruji to him.

He felt rejuvenated. Apart from this there is one more yoga i.e. mahayoga samaya prakriya. I will tell you that after some more days. Of course, that day is nearby only, guruji told him.

Chanchal: Guruji, is there any relation between shat chakras and Srichakra?

Guruji: Yes. Antar trikona (innermost triangle- eighth avarana) and Muladahara chakra are related. Seventh avarana and swadhistana are related. Sixth avarana and Manipura are related. Fifth avarana and Anahata are related. Fourth avarana and Vishudhi are related. Third and second avaranas are related to Ajna. First avarana and sahasrara are related. These inter relations are different from tradition to tradition. Kaula will follow this. For samayas, everything is sahasrara only.

Above relations have pridhvi, agni, jala, vaayu, aakasa and manas tattwas respectively.

Chanchal: Whether sadhana also different among these acharas?

Guruji: Yes. We need not know kaula. As per Samaya, antar trikona is to be visualized in anahata and kameswari is to be visualized from sahasrakamala to bindu place. Do mantra sadhana by doing so. Guruji explained him practically how to do this.

Chanchal: Guruji, once you told about nada brahma. Is there any relation between nada brahma and Srichakra?

Guruji: Para nada is in trikona (eighth avarana), pasyanti is in asta kona (seventh avarana), madhyma is in dasaradwaya (sixth and fifth) and vaikhari is in chaturdasara (fourth). Like this nada brahma and
Srichakra are related.

Chanchal: Guruji, once you told for samayas there is no opportunity of Srimata darshan in waking state. You confirmed that samayas are Srimata themselves. I am at initial stages to experience this. Still as an upasaka I am longing to have Srimata’s sthula darshan. Is it possible?

Guruji: Why not dear son. It is possible during sadhana. You can have darshan of Srimata with either four hands (chatur bahu) or ten hands (dasa bahu) in Manipura chakra. This is an utmost secret of practice. Guruji revealed that secret to Chanchal.

To be continued…