Req: Dakshinamoorthy moola, mala mantra and japa vidhana

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bksrinath bksrinath
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Req: Dakshinamoorthy moola, mala mantra and japa vidhana

Can somebody please help me with Dakshinamoorthy moola, mala mantra and japa vidhana.

Warm regards,
ramkumarn ramkumarn
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Re: Req: Dakshinamoorthy moola, mala mantra and japa vidhana

Dear Srinath,

If you have been initiated by a Guru in certain mantra, it is better that you approach them and get to know these details, because, mantras are like atomic energy. You can create energy to light up homes and make wonders or even destroy a civilization..
ललिता एव इदं सर्वं