Redsandalwood paste in worship of goddess

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sanatana suresh sanatana suresh
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Redsandalwood paste in worship of goddess

Hello Guruji,

Kindly explain how to use redsandalwood paste/powder in worshipping goddess - Laxmi/durga. Can i perform abhishekam with water mixed redsandalwood chanting sri suktam and is it used in the worship of lord shiva?

ramkumarn ramkumarn
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Re: Redsandalwood paste in worship of goddess

Dear Sir,

Red sandalwood is generally used in the Devi puja. You can either apply it as a tilak for Devi or you can mix with water and perform abishekam with it. Generally its not used for Shiva worship.

ललिता एव इदं सर्वं
sanatana suresh sanatana suresh
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Re: Redsandalwood paste in worship of goddess

Thank you ramkumar for your response!!