Mantras for Women Protection

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Selvanagarajan Sellakkannu Selvanagarajan Sellakkannu
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Mantras for Women Protection

For Women facing Domestic Violence which Mantra is effective in safe guarding them as well as punish the wrong doers
Krishna Krishna
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Re: Mantras for Women Protection

Durgā Devi mantras may be recited by the individuals facing the harassment. Homams can also be done at the house to remove any negativity, if feasible.

In many cases counseling may also be needed to ease the tensions. Whatever decision is finally made, one must not lose sight of the fact that the true purpose of life is self-realization and it can happen when one is also free from other domestic issues and material pursuits. Every individual must strive and make the appropriate decisions that are suited for their situations.
Selvanagarajan Sellakkannu Selvanagarajan Sellakkannu
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Re: Mantras for Women Protection

Thank You very much Krishna Ji