Kakaradi Kali some more questions

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sunilz sunilz
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Kakaradi Kali some more questions

Although there are 32 letters in each stanza of Kakaradi Kali Sahasranaam, in Rishyadi Nyasa, it is mentioned that this Sahasranaam is in Ushnik Chandra. How can this be? 32 letters means it is in Anushtup Chandra, right?
Another questuin- It is said that when the wife is having periods, husband should not chant sahasranaam or any other mantras for 6 days till his wife's periods are over. Is this true?
Sirs, plz enlighten me with regard to the above questions I have.
Krishna Krishna
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Re: Kakaradi Kali some more questions

The chandas is set to uṣṇik, which has 3 stanzas or pādās of 8, 8 and 12 when it's set to a metre for singing and external recitation. There are many variations for each metre based on the context as well and it's a study in itself. One can seek the correct metric pronunciation from an adept or guru, who's well versed with singing.

There are no restrictions when it comes to Devi Kāli, as is indicated in the Śiva uvāca itself. Spiritual aspirants can recite the sahasranama at all times. Those following dakṣiṇācāra paddhati or the Southern Tradition, which is very strictly vedic and ritualistic, may follow several restrictions as mandated by their sāmpradāya or sub-tradition.
siddarth siddarth
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Re: Kakaradi Kali some more questions

Can you please share a link or post the  Kakaradi Kali sahasranaamam Krishna Sir?
Krishna Krishna
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Re: Kakaradi Kali some more questions

It is available on the sanskritdocuments.org site. You can find it through this link -
siddarth siddarth
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Re: Kakaradi Kali some more questions

Thank you
sunilz sunilz
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Re: Kakaradi Kali some more questions

In reply to this post by Krishna
Thanks a lot for the guidance, Sir!
sunilz sunilz
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Re: Kakaradi Kali some more questions

PDF versions in different languages (Sanskrit, Kannada etc..) here: