Kālī Mantra-s

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Kālī Mantra-s

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avijit avijit
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Re: Kālī Mantra-s

this is picture of sri sri vama kali which was worshipped by swami vivekananda. whole life he has worshipped this image.
here some kaulas believe that SHE should be worshipped in vama marga only and in cremation ground. she clear all bondage to material life. Vama means opposite, so anti material life.
i have her dhyanna verse. now i am little bit busy. i will post later.
Shaktinya Shaktinya
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Re: Kālī Mantra-s


I thought vama marga means for material benefits but now I am shocked to see from what you said. Could you please give more details about why you think it is anti-material. I know that vama means a woman...

avijit avijit
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Re: Kālī Mantra-s

No, this is wrong interpretation of vamachara. vama marga tells to go with materials and ultimately shade off materials. sri vamadeva or commonly known as vamakhepa of Tarapeeth was pure vamachari, aghori baba of Bakreswar peetha, all of them were ugra vama margin. Please go through their life history you will understand the truth. only real guru can explain these secret things.
please not more.