Initiation necessary for Guhya Kaali sahasranaamam?

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sunilz sunilz
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Initiation necessary for Guhya Kaali sahasranaamam?

Learned people here plz advice me. I recently found a pdf copy of Guhya Kaali Sahasranaamam. I somehow got drawn to it, and I want to recite it daily. Is it necessary that I have to take diksha for the same? Or can I recite it without any diksha, pooja, etc.? I asked this question to a Tantric practitioner on FaceBook. His reply was confusing.
sunilz sunilz
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Re: Initiation necessary for Guhya Kaali sahasranaamam?

No help? :(
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Re: Initiation necessary for Guhya Kaali sahasranaamam?

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sunilz sunilz
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Re: Initiation necessary for Guhya Kaali sahasranaamam?

Thanks a lot for this advice, Ravi Sir. I have quite satisfactory skill in reciting Sanskrit shlokas, though my Sanskrit grammar is not perfect. :)