Namaskaram everybody. I am a regular devotee of amma,daily chant lalita sahasranamam and do mantra japam..but still several times I observed that there is lot of thought pollution in mind due to interaction with various jungle type tribal people in this world. Some people really have capacity to disturb other peoples mind. Some times mind will be very peaceful like world peace ,but some times mind will be like notorious terrorist and naxalite. It is difficult to tame mind all the time. I always watch my mind through its thoughts and take care that it is closer to guru,shastra my and daivam. I seriously follow 2 slokas to roll back my projected mind and get it in my control. First sloka is from bhagavadgita ..sri bhagavanuvacha..asochya nanva shochastvam Prajna vaadaamscha bhaasate Gataa suna Gaga suncha naanu shochanti pandithah. This is the first sloka uttered by lord to Arjuna. The meaning is that a pandit and a gnani does not worry about living person or dead person. First time when I read this sloka my mind stopped. It penetrated into my brain,lord Krishna nailed this sloka into my brain. It is absolutely true what Krishna said in this world we either worry about living people or dead people. And he clearly told not to worry about anybody. I was such a goat I dint realize it until I touched bhagavadgita. Another sloka with which I tame my mind is from Amrita bindu Upanishad I believe..sloka is manayeva manushyaanam kaaranam bandha mokshayo bandhaaya vishayaasaktam muktam nirvishayam smrutham. I love this sloka also. Meaning of this sloka is for both bandham and moksha mind is only the reason. If you show interest on people it is bandham ,if you don't show interest it is moksham. Another 2 slokas which I memorize them are told by jagadguru adishankaracharya are brahma satyam Japan Mithya Jevo brahmaiva naaparaah.. its the backbone sloka for advaita philosophy. ShanKara told us directly that this world is a delusion..it is maya he said. Without nailing this sloka in our brain we cannot do advaita sadhana.if a person thinks this world is only truth and this world only exists that kind of person cannot improve in sadhana. Shankara told this world is delusion means , it is only truth,what we think and feel is not truth,we are not jagadgurus what shankara says is only truth. If this belief is not there on guru and shastra that person is not eligible for spiritual ,advaita sadhana. Another sloka is from bhaja govindam. Satsangatve nissangatvam,nissangatve nirmohatvam ,nirmohatve nischala tatvam ,nischala tatve jivanmukti. He clearly said nischala tatva is jivanmukti. Mind should be undisturbed ,we should not respond and project our mind for each and everything. We should be like a sakshi ,like a witness to everything that happens in our life. I love these slokas very much. They help me to control and keep my mind in balance state rather than being fully projected. I realized that in this world with our mind we do only 2 things ,if we like any thing or person we project our mind fully to it,if we don't like anything or person we reject our mind .so only projection and rejection of mind. We should know when to project ,when to roll back mind. It is our mind, we only should control our mind taking help of guru ,shastra and daivam. It is like this .. if we are playing a kite in the sky,we can pull it back to us with the help of the thread attached to kite. In the same way how much our mind may project with people and things in this world we should learn the techniques to pull back our mind and keep it in control. What I have realized is how much ever sadhana you do you cannot totally remove the Raaga dweshas in mind. What we can do is keep them at low pace, if we have a tree and as long as sun rises we defenetely will have shade of tree. In same way as long as we have human body and god resides in us in form of atma swarupa we do have all sorts of emotions,but we should learn to keep me in low pace.we are not dead people. For dead people mind gets attached along with soul and leaves the body while death. See if a living person falls in a river he sinks ,but a dead body like a piece of wood it floats. Mind is not there for dead body. Mind and thoughts only make a person heavy. We cannot separate waves from an ocean. How ever high the wave rises it ends and falls in ocean only. I heard a beautiful Sanskrit sloka in adishankaracharya old movie. Aakasham patitam Toyama saga ram pratigachhati. Lovely sloka.meaning is every drop of water in sky should finally come and fall into ocean.like wise finally all jivatmas should and will come to paramatma. Like wise only we cannot separate thoughts totally from our mind. It is very difficult to attain antahkarana shuddi and keep mind fully clean all the time,we are subjected to thought pollution and we are supposed to cleanse our mind. It's like everyday you clean your bikes and cars and keep it in condition. Like wise you are using a human body and mind in this world you get polluted and you cleanse it daily. What a karma we all have naa.. how long we can clean you tell me.one fine day you will have gnanodayam and realize iam not this bike ,iam not this car. In the same way we realize one day we are not this body,we are not this mind,we are soul and sachidananda atma swarupa we are we realize. Actually it is very simple logic if you think carefully,, you can see ,touch and feel an object if it is separate from us. See you can drive a car if you think you are separate and your car is separate.then only you can drive your car ..like wise in same way if you are seeing your body means defenetely you are different than your body,,then who it is you should think,you should think who am I if am not this body and not this mind and not these thoughts then comes the role of guru and shastram. You should 100 percent obey shastra then only spiritual life is fruitful , it is not for show put up,or fun or time pass. You should give your life to guru and shastra. Guru Krupa,eeswara Krupa and shastra Krupa all are same. Shastram is like mother ,she gives shelter to those who really seek god and attain moksha. See if you read btech once ,it is enough,if you marry once that is enough,,if you die once that is enough.why do you want several trips to this bhulokam which is a maya bazar and which is a delusion and which does not exist. It does not make sense to have several life's and deaths,, one human body and one life is enough ,we should try hard to attain moksha in this life only. I hope this article is useful for anybody serious in sadhana.. in next article I will meet you all once again.. happy chanting everybody.. sri matre Namah.