How to Decide the level of Spirituality one has

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tejjoshimit tejjoshimit
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How to Decide the level of Spirituality one has

Dear Sir,

First of all, i am grateful for accepting me in Forum.

my quest for curiosity has ever lasting and new and new Q arises.

I have been initiated into Panchdashi by 1011 Sri Barfanidadaji ( Recently he has left his body) But i feel i know nothing and Dadaji is not in physical Body, so i would like to know A-to Z of Srividya

i would like to get initiation in to Urdhvaamnaay Whats my level of eligibility ?

I would like to know about panchmved in Srividya what is that ?

waht is actual steps of Srividya ? and How would i know how many steps i have crossed in past lives so far.

please give your grace to know more

Atmavidhya Atmavidhya
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Re: How to Decide the level of Spirituality one has

My response will most likely be least helpful.   It is nearly impossible to specifically know everything you are asking for. Having a true guru is the best and he/she knows whats best for you.

In the absence of a guru, following your heart is the best option. In my own experience, I have seen that if you put sufficient faith and listen to your own inner guru, you will be set on the right path. And when you walk that path faithfully with lots of trust and confidence, you will be automatically led to the next step gradually but surely so. The universe has a strange way of knowing what you need and guiding you along the way !
Best of luck to you.