How every human body gets happiness...part2

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Rupa Rupa
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How every human body gets happiness...part2

So now first we all have known that we are atma or soul. Nature of soul is happiness. That happiness is like ocean or more. Because there is nothing in this universe to measure the amount of happiness of the soul.shastram explains the various measures or levels of happiness to some extent , beyond that shastram also cannot measure and say this is the amount of happiness of a soul. It has to be experienced through following foot steps of guru and shastram to experience that. Once a person reaches this stage and experiences this happiness it is for ever, he always stays in that state of immeasurable happiness no matter what happens outside. He becomes completely detached totally with the pancha koshas of his body. That's why ramana Maharishi , he got cancer, he did cancer operation without any anasthesia. Doctors and every body who saw this were stunned and realized he is not a normal person like us. If we follow guru and shastram we can go to that extent, this worldly pain cannot do anything to a liberated person. That's how you get thru this world.thats how shastram protects us, we have to strictly follow rules given by guru and shastram, we no other way to go thru this world. So what we understood our soul is devi, soul or atma or devi is happiness. Spiritual journey is journey towards happiness, we shud do every thing happily, crying crying we cannot travel in this path, the journey itself is journey for happiness,u r experiencing your true self here. Once a person realizes self, he sees himself in everything, he realizes that everything is him only,the duality will be gone and he experiences advaita sthithi. Happiness is our real swaroopam, but we always think we are body only ,that is all ignorance . Shastram plays key role along with rituals and meditation. It helps us to understand our true self , devi and this world , which are all the same. Thru our spiritual  practices all are dissolved into one...