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sriram08 sriram08
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Is there any document process....for doing abhisekam...

As i just see people keep kalasam and do pooja then use the kalasam for abhisekam...and some even do the homam keeping the kalasam and then do the abhisekam.

Please guide me..

Rupa Rupa
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Re: Abhisekam

Namaskaram. I usually do abhisekam with purushasuktam and sri suktam mantras. Sometimes with panchamrutam or plain unboiled milk or with turmeric water with sandalwood, pancha I karpooram and fragrant spice mix of elaichi and cloves. And then do archanam. This is the simplest method . I don't know if any other mantras are available. Am a normal house holder. This abhisekam works for me. I don't keep any kala sam. I keep srichakra meru at home. In that only all other panchayatana devatas and other devatas are present. Go for simple things which will workout rather than complicated detailed methods.
Thanking you,
Srimatre namah.